Have you ever wondered what could make one of the biggest impacts in the life of your family?
One of the great joys of being part of a family is often overlooked in today’s society. We are so busy with our own lives that we don’t stop to think about how we can help others. When we serve others, we are not only following in the footsteps of Jesus, we are allowing God space to grow us individually, and as a family.
As Christians, we are called to serve God by serving others. It’s not just something we should do – it’s something we are called to do. We are helping to build God’s kingdom here on earth and making a difference in the lives of those we help. If you’re looking for a way to give back and make a difference, consider serving as a family. You’ll be amazed at the joy it brings!

Why is it important to serve as a family?
One of the benefits of serving as a family is that it creates a great way to bond with each other. When you’re working together towards a common goal, it brings you closer together. I know it has with our family. You learn more about each other and grow in your relationships. Serving as a family is also a great way to build character. It teaches kids (and adults!) the importance of helping others. It shows them that there’s more to life than just themselves. It also helps them to develop a heart for service. Finally, it’s a great way to make a difference in your community. You are making a positive impact on those around you and most importantly, you are showing them the love of Christ.

What are some ways to serve as a family?
There are many ways to serve as a family. You can serve at a local church like our family does. Our church has become sort of our home base for serving. We are able to unite with others who have a servant’s heart, to do even more than we could on our own. Whether you have a church you attend, there are many other ways to serve. You can volunteer at a local soup kitchen or food bank, visit the sick or elderly in your community, or collect items for a local homeless shelter. Sometimes serving is as simple as being available to listen to someone in your life who is going through a tough time. The possibilities are endless! Just use your imagination and choose something meaningful to you and your family.
Serving with your family is an act of obedience to God’s command to love one another and helps to cultivate a heart of gratitude and generosity. By having a servant heart, not only do we bless others, but we also grow in our faith and become more like Jesus. There is incredible joy in serving others!